Under the influence of young quantity surveying undergraduates within the construction industry, the department of quantity surveying has organized the very 1st guest lecture series for the year 2023.

On behalf of these undergraduates, to move forward in the industry, the monumental knowledge of the FIDIC Redbook and Standard Bidding Document (SBD 2) was talked through by Ch Eng and Atty at law, Dr. Ananda Ranasinghe on the 28th of March 2023 at the KDUSC Auditorium. He is a well reputed scholar who has contributed to large development projects in Sri Lanka and holds higher education in Bachelor of Science in Construction Management, Master of Laws, and Doctorate. Dr. Ranasinghe is a retired Brigadier who also served the Sri Lankan army and performed as the President of the Sri Lankan Institute of Engineers in the years 2011 and 2012. Currently he is contributing to his motherland through crisis settlement and management regarding the construction industry. In addition, he shares his knowledge as a doctor and an examiner in the universities of Peradeniya and Moratuwa.

This guest lecture and interactive sessions lead all academic staff and undergraduates with intriguing information on the distinctions between the two documents. All members of the department of quantity surveying including lecturers and students of intake 38, 39 and 40 attended this beneficiary lecture and expanded their apprehension on the FIDIC red book and SBD.

Furthermore, 40 copies of “Guide to Conditions of Contract ICTAD – SBD 2” and two copies of “Practitioner’s Guide to Conditions of Contract (2nd Edition) CIDA – SBD 2”, two very own publications of Dr. Ranasinghe was donated by himself to the KDUSC Library for the betterment of quantity surveying undergraduates of Kotelawala Defence University.