In an enlightening session held this week on the 16th August 2023, representatives from Western Sydney University (WSU) visited KDU Southern Campus to discuss the various opportunities available through their Bachelor’s Pathway Program and avenues in postgraduate studies. This interactive session was designed to bridge the information gap and provide KDU students with a clear understanding of the academic opportunities open to them at WSU.

Having met the Dean, Faculty of Built Environment and Spatial Sciences Dr. A H Lakmal and the Academic Staff from the Department of Quantity Surveying, the representatives commenced the session with an overview of WSU, touching upon its history, values, and mission. Highlighting its global outlook and dedication to producing graduates with an international perspective, they explained how KDU students could benefit from WSU’s rigorous academic environment.

The focal point of their visit, the bachelor’s Pathway Program, was then thoroughly discussed. Designed to provide students with a seamless transition from the Bachelor of Quantity Surveying degree  at KDU to Bachelor of Construction Management honours degree specialised in Quantity Surveying at WSU 2+2 Pathway Programme boasts of its flexibility and diverse range of disciplines related to Quantity Surveying. KDU students were given a glimpse into the wide array of programmes they could delve into.

Following the presentation, a Question and Answer session ensued, allowing KDU students to voice their queries and concerns. Some of the most recurring questions revolved around admission requirements, scholarship opportunities, campus life, and opportunities for internships or work placements. The WSU team addressed each query with detailed insights, ensuring students left with a holistic understanding of the program.

Feedback from KDU students was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed their appreciation for the clarity and depth of information shared. Collaborations such as these are not only beneficial for the students but also foster global connections between educational institutions. As universities globally move towards a more interconnected approach, such interactions become paramount in shaping the future of education.