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Quality Pulse
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Latest News, Trends & Updates
L at est N e w s, T r ends & U pdat es Boeing’s Urgent Reminder
Boeing made an industry-wide announcement when it designated a special
advisor to revamp its quality management system. Following another 737
The Arms Race in Quality Management
The Arms R ac e in Quality M anagemen t Max disaster, in which a president of the airline raised serious concerns
about quality control, this decision was made. The company’s resolve to
While certain businesses, like Boeing, struggle with quality control, increase the number of 737 MAX 9 inspections is a clear indication of how
other industries are moving forward. An arms race for excellence in important quality management is in manufacturing. The ramifications are
the sector is heralded by RSI’s announcement of the leaders of its 2024 obvious: poor quality can destroy a company’s reputation in the marketplace
Quality Assurance Committee and CSU’s recognition for excellence in in addition to downing aircraft.
quality management. There is also a growing need for personnel skilled
at navigating the complexity of QMS, as seen by the rising demand for
training and certification.
The Pioneer
in Quality C
AI: The Pioneer in Quality Control
The incorporation of AI and machine learning into quality assurance
procedures is a noteworthy trend. Software development and IT are not
The R ole o f B ig Dat a in Pr edictiv e M ain t enanc e the only industries embracing technology. The pharmaceutical and medical
The Role of Big Data in Predictive Maintenance
device industries are also heavily reliant on adhering to strict quality
The key difference between preventive maintenance and predictive standards such as ISO 13485. The deliberate steps businesses are taking to
maintenance is that the latter means completing maintenance only leverage AI for software testing and predictive quality control.
when needed, as opposed to scheduled intervals. With Industry 4.0,
manufacturing data will allow us to gradually replace preventive
maintenance with predictive maintenance, but can we go further than this?
Here, Miron Shtiglitz, VP for Product and Delivery at quality inspection
specialist QualiSense, forecasts a future where data from inspection not
only underpins maintenance schedules, but informs the very design of the
product itself.
Global Quality in M anuf acturing S urv ey R e v eals
Global Quality in Manufacturing Survey Reveals
Dramatic Rise in Product Recalls
D r amatic R ise in Pr oduct R ec alls
ETQ, part of Hexagon, has revealed results of its global survey, The Pulse
Pr ospectiv e Outlook: I mplic ations and S uggestions of Quality in Manufacturing 2024. The survey found that the vast majority
Prospective Outlook: Implications and Suggestions
of respondents (73%) have had a product recall in the past five years,
To prevent quality crises, firms need to work hard at incorporating with financial costs reaching $99.9M in the U.S. alone for each recall.
contemporary QMS solutions in the short term. In the middle term, Respondents also cited additional negative consequences of product recalls,
the emphasis will probably move to maximizing AI’s capability while including damage to brand reputation, delayed product introductions, plant
maintaining a human component in quality control. In the long run, we shutdowns and personnel lay-offs.
should anticipate a rebirth of quality assurance procedures, with AI and The Pulse of Quality in Manufacturing 2024 survey was conducted on
machine learning at the forefront of innovation and productivity. behalf of ETQ by research firm Censuswide. More than 750 quality leaders
To sum up, the most recent advancements in quality management serve as a and related project managers at manufacturing firms across the U.S., the
stark warning to companies: adapt or face becoming obsolete. The message U.K. and Germany were asked about the quality trends, initiatives and
to company executives is clear: put money into technology and training current status of quality in their enterprise organizations.
and give careful consideration to putting in place a strong QMS. Watch this
space for further insights that will help you maintain operational excellence
at the forefront of your organization as this quarterly series tracks the state
of quality management.
Department of Industrial Quality Management
Department of Industrial Quality Management
52 Department of Industrial Quality Management Department of Industrial Quality Management 53
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University