Page 58 - QUALITY MAGAZINE_Volume 02 (Issue II)_Web Ready File (1)
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                 Engage in civic participation: Stay informed about local
                and  global  issues  and  participate  in  the  democratic
                process.  Attend  town  halls,  city  council  meetings,  or
                community  forums to voice your concerns. Volunteer
                as  a  poll  worker  or  participate  in  get-out-the-vote
                initiatives.                                                                                                                                                             Professional Well-being
                 Promote  education  and  lifelong  learning: Mentor or                                                                                                               The connection between one’s professional well-being
                tutor children and  youth  in  your community. Teach a                                                                                                                and the quality of human life is a significant and complex
                class or workshop on a skill or subject you’re passionate                                                                                                             topic.  Here are some key ways in  which  professional
                about.  Support  educational  institutions,  libraries,  or                                                                                                           well-being can affect the overall quality of life.
                organizations that provide learning opportunities.   Mr. Linton Fernando
                                                                 CEO/Founder, Diligent Solutions,
                 Foster  sustainable  and  eco-friendly  practices: Adopt      Vidvaan Consultants                                                                                     Financial Security: A stable and rewarding  career can
                                                                                                                                                                                      provide  the  necessary  financial  resources  to  meet
                environmentally-conscious  habits,  such  as recycling,    President,                                                                                                 basic  needs,  afford  healthcare,  education,  and  leisure
                reducing  waste,  and  conserving  energy.  Participate  in    Institute of Quality and Productivity Management                                                       activities, which are essential for a good quality of life.
                community  sustainability  initiatives  or  support  local    (IQPM)                                                                                                  Financial  insecurity,  job  instability,  or  low  income  can
                environmental organizations. Encourage others to adopt                                                                                                                lead to stress, anxiety, and limited access to resources,
                more sustainable practices in their daily lives.
                                                                                                                                                                                      negatively impacting overall well-being.
                 Cultivate  artistic  and  cultural  expression:  Participate                                                                                                          Sense  of  Purpose  and  Fulfillment:  A  fulfilling  and
                in local arts and cultural events, such as music, dance,                                                                                                              meaningful  profession  can give individuals  a sense of
                or theater performances. Support and  patronize local                                                                                                                 purpose,  self-worth, and  accomplishment, which  are
                artists,  artisans,  and  cultural  institutions.  Organize  or                                                                                                       important factors in maintaining a high quality of life.
                participate  in  community-based  artistic  or  cultural                                                                                                              Conversely, a dissatisfying or unfulfilling job can lead to
                                                                                                                                                                                      feelings of boredom, frustration, and a lack of purpose,
                 Build  strong  and  inclusive  communities: Organize                                                                                                                 affecting an individual’s overall well-being.
                or  participate  in  neighborhood  events,  block  parties,                                                                                                            Work-Life Balance:  A healthy work-life balance, where
                or community gatherings. Advocate  for inclusive  and                                                                                                                 individuals can manage their professional responsibilities
                equitable  policies  and  practices  in  your  community.                                                                                                             and  personal/family life,  can contribute  to improved
                Promote diversity, inclusion, and understanding among                                                                                                                 mental and physical health, reduced stress, and a better
                your neighbors and peers.                                                                                                                                             quality of life. Excessive workloads, long working hours,
                By engaging in these activities and initiatives, you can                                                                                                              or an inability  to disconnect  from work can lead  to
                reflect your human quality to the society around you.                                                                                                                 burnout,  strained relationships, and  a reduced quality
                These actions not only contribute to the betterment of                                                                                                                of life.
                your community but also foster a sense of empowerment,                                                                                                                 Social  Connections  and  Networks:  A  positive  work
                connection,  and  collective  responsibility  among  its                                                                                                              environment that fosters healthy  interpersonal
                members.  Ultimately,  the  cultivation  of  meaningful                                                                                                               relationships and social connections can provide a sense
                connections  is  a  key  component.    Finding  a  healthy                                                                                                            of belonging and support, which are important for overall
                balance  between  digital  and  in-person  interactions,                                                                                                              well-being. Isolated or unsupportive work environments
                depending  on the  value we  create  to the  selected                                                                                                                 can lead to feelings  of loneliness and  a lack of social
                “connection”, we can enhance our sense of belonging,                                                                                                                  engagement, negatively impacting the quality of life.
                purpose, and overall well-being.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Personal Growth and Development:  Opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                                                      professional  development,  learning, and  growth can
                                                                                                                                                                                      enhance an individual’s skills,  knowledge,  and  sense
                                                                                                                                                                                      of  personal  accomplishment,  contributing  to  a  higher
                                                                                                                                                                                      quality of life. Stagnation or lack of career advancement
                                                                                                                                                                                      can lead to feelings of stagnation and a perceived lack of
                                                                                                                                                                                      personal growth, affecting overall well-being.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Addressing and improving these aspects of professional
                                                                                                                                                                                      life  can  lead  to  a  more  fulfilling  and  satisfying  life

                                                                                                                                                                                           Department of Industrial Quality Management
            Department of Industrial Quality Management
     56     Department of Industrial Quality Management                                                                                                                                    Department of Industrial Quality Management   57
            General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University                                                                                                                                       General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
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