Page 16 - QUALITY MAGAZINE_Volume 02 (Issue II)_Web Ready File (1)
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                                                             Significant Changes to the Regulatory
                                                             Operations                                                               6.  Cross-Border Regulations:                   In conclusion, while fintech innovations offer numerous
                                                             The  regulatory  environment  around  banking  activities                Fintech  often  operates  across  borders,  presenting   benefits such as efficiency gains and enhanced financial
                                                                                                                                                                                      inclusion, they also pose challenges to traditional banking
                                                             has  seen  substantial  changes  as  a  result  of  fintech,             challenges for regulatory harmonization and cooperation.   liquidity positions. Banks in Sri Lanka and globally must
                                                             especially  in  Sri  Lanka.  This  is  how  fintech  affects  the        Sri  Lanka’s regulators may need to collaborate with   adapt by embracing technological advancements
                                                             regulatory framework of banking operations.                              international  counterparts  to  address  jurisdictional   while  carefully  managing  risks and  complying  with
                                                                                                                                      issues  and  ensure  consistent regulatory  standards,   evolving  regulatory  requirements  to  maintain  robust
                                                             1.  Regulatory Framework Evolution:                                      particularly  concerning  cross-border  payments  and   liquidity  positions.  Banks  should  proactively  resolve
                                                             Fintech  innovations  often  outpace  existing  regulatory               remittances.                                    their  barriers  by  educating  customers,  developing
                                                             frameworks designed for traditional banking operations.                  7.  Promoting Innovation and Competition:       customized  products,  and  creating  a  seamless  user
                                                             Regulators in Sri Lanka and elsewhere  need  to adapt                                                                    interface.  Balancing  innovation  with  prudent  liquidity
                                                             swiftly to ensure that fintech activities are appropriately              While  ensuring  compliance  and  consumer  protection,   management strategies will be critical for banks to thrive
                                                             supervised and consumer protection is maintained. This                   regulators  also  aim  to  foster  a  competitive  and   in an increasingly digital financial ecosystem.
                                                             evolution  may  involve  updating  regulations  related  to              innovative financial services sector. Sri Lanka’s regulators   Given  regulatory  concerns,  fintech’s  influence  on  the
                                                             digital  payments,  cybersecurity,  data  protection,  and               may introduce policies to encourage fintech adoption,   regulatory aspect of banking operations in Sri Lanka is
                                                             customer authentication.                                                 support startup ecosystems, and facilitate partnerships
                                                                                                                                      between banks and fintech firms to promote financial   profound.  It  necessitates  a  balance  between  fostering
                                                             2.  Regulatory Sandboxes:                                                inclusion and economic growth.                  innovation,  protecting  consumers,  and  maintaining
                                                             To foster innovation while managing risks, regulators in                                                                 financial  stability.  Regulators  play  a  crucial  role  in
                                                                                                                                                                                      adapting and evolving regulatory frameworks to address
                                                             Sri Lanka have introduced regulatory sandboxes. These                                                                    the challenges and opportunities presented by fintech,
                                                             are controlled environments where fintech firms can test                                                                 ensuring that the financial system remains secure.
                                                             new products and services under regulatory supervision.
                                                             It  allows  regulators  to  observe  how  new  technologies
                                                             interact  with  existing  regulations  and  assess  potential
                                                             risks before broader deployment.

                                                             3.  Consumer Protection and Data Privacy:
                                                             Fintech often involves handling vast amounts of sensitive
                                                             customer data. Regulators are increasingly focused on
                                                             ensuring robust data protection measures are in place
                                                             to safeguard consumer privacy. In Sri Lanka, regulatory
                                                             frameworks may require fintech companies to comply
                                                             with  specific  data  protection  laws  and  guidelines,
                                                             influencing how banks and fintech firms handle customer

                                                             4.  Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist
                                                                   Financing (CTF) Compliance:
                                                             Fintech  innovations,  particularly  in  digital  payments
                                                             and cryptocurrencies, pose challenges for AML and CTF
                                                             efforts. Regulators in Sri Lanka are tasked with ensuring
                                                             that  fintech  solutions  have  adequate  mechanisms  to
                                                             detect  and  prevent  financial  crimes.  This  may  involve
                                                             implementing  stricter  Know  Your  Customer  (KYC)
                                                             procedures and transaction monitoring systems.

                                                             5.  Capital Adequacy and Risk Management:
                                                             Regulatory  requirements  such  as  capital  adequacy
                                                             ratios and risk management frameworks apply to banks
                                                             and  increasingly  to  fintech  firms  offering  banking-
                                                             like services. Regulators in  Sri Lanka may impose
                                                             specific capital requirements or risk controls on fintech
                                                             companies  to  ensure  financial  stability  and  mitigate
                                                             systemic risks arising from their activities.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Department of Industrial Quality Management
            Department of Industrial Quality Management
     14     Department of Industrial Quality Management                                                                                                                                    Department of Industrial Quality Management   15
            General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University                                                                                                                                       General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
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