Page 15 - QUALITY MAGAZINE_Volume 02 (Issue II)_Web Ready File (1)
P. 15


 Banking Liquidity Positions  4.  Changing Customer Behavior:
 The way people bank is changing as digital banking and
 In  reviewing  fintech,  banking  liquidity  positions  can   fintech  solutions  become  more  popular,  which  could
 be analyzed through several lenses,  considering  both   lead to changes in how customers use cash and make
 positive and potentially challenging aspects:
 deposits. As more transactions are done digitally, banks
 1.  Operational Risks & Legal Framework:  may see shifts in deposit levels and transaction patterns
 Fintech has the potential to improve productivity, but it   that can affect their ability to predict how much money
 also brings new types of operational risks. In the digital   they  will  have  available.  For  example,  using  mobile
 age, cybersecurity threats, technological malfunctions,   payments more often could reduce the need for physical
 and  data breaches are major  concerns.  To  protect   cash, which would affect how much cash banks need to
 their  liquidity  from  potential  disruptions,  banks  need   keep on hand.
 to allocate resources to strong cybersecurity measures
 and  backup  plans.  It  requires  a  legislative  framework   5.  Opportunities for Collaboration:
 that guarantees ethical behavior in the interim, as well   Despite  the  challenges,  fintech  presents  opportunities
 as  protective  measures  and  regulatory  elements  that   for banks to collaborate and innovate. Partnering with
 reduce operational risks. In this regard, the Central Bank   fintech firms can enable banks to offer new products and
 of Sri Lanka is essential in enforcing laws and rules about   services, attract a broader customer base, and enhance
 consumer protection, data protection and privacy, anti-  operational efficiencies without compromising liquidity
 money laundering  and  countermeasures,  regulatory   management.
 sandboxes, cross-border transactions and compliances,
 intellectual  property,  and  the  legitimacy  of  smart   6.  Regulatory Considerations:
 contracts.  Regulatory  frameworks  governing  fintech  and  banking
 operations  play  a  crucial  role  in  determining  liquidity
 2.  Efficiency in Fund Management:  management  strategies.  Fintech  innovations  may
 Fintech  advancements  frequently  enable  banks  to   necessitate  updates  to  existing  regulations  to  ensure
 manage  funds  more  swiftly  and  efficiently.  Through   financial stability and consumer protection. Regulatory
 digital  channels,  banks  can  enhance  their  liquidity  by   changes  can  influence  liquidity  requirements,  reserve
 effectively  overseeing  cash  flows.  For  instance,  real-  ratios,  and  capital  adequacy  ratios,  directly  impacting
 time payment systems and digital wallets can expedite   banks’ liquidity positions.
 fund  transfers  between accounts, thereby decreasing
 dormant  cash  reserves  and  enhancing  liquidity   “  Fintech PRESENTS
 management overall.  Opportunities for

 3.  Increased Competition and Margins:
 Fintech  firms,  especially  those  providing  alternative   banks to collaborate
 lending  platforms  and  payment  options,  have  the
 potential  to  increase  competition  in  the  financial  and innovate.
 industry. This increased competition may prompt banks   Partnering with fintech
 to  provide  more  attractive  interest  rates  on  deposits
 and loans to attract and retain customers. While this is  firms can enable banks to
 advantageous for consumers, it may also squeeze banks’
 profits,  affecting  their  overall  financial  stability  if  not   offer NEW PRODUCTS
 handled cautiously.  and SERVICES.”

                                                                    Department of Industrial Quality Management
 Department of Industrial Quality Management
 12  Department of Industrial Quality Management                    Department of Industrial Quality Management   13
 General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University                           General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
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