Page 49 - QUALITY MAGAZINE_Volume 02 (Issue II)_Web Ready File (1)
P. 49


 3.  How has SD&CC integrated Lean Six   4.  What  continuous  improvement
 programs are in place at SD&CC to
 Sigma principles into its construction
 projects and during project life cycle?  enhance quality and efficiency, and
 how do you  measure the success of
 these initiatives?
 Focusing on the customer is the foremost principle of
 Lean Six Sigma, and we embody this principle by serving   SD&CC  employs  various  continuous  improvement
 not  only  government  projects  but  also  collaborating   programs such as,
 with  leading  construction  companies  such  as  Maga,   •   Lean  Construction:  SD&CC  focuses  on  reducing
 Sierra, and Sanken. These companies purchase concrete   waste  and  improving  efficiency  by  optimizing
 products from us, and our engineers understand their   workflows and materials management.
 work well because we undertake similar projects. This
 expertise enables us to identify and address root causes   •   Safety Enhancements: Implementing more rigorous
 of  problems  effectively.  Our  experienced  and  highly   safety protocols and  training  programs to reduce
 qualified  team,  comprising  civil,  structural,  design,   accidents and improve worker safety.
 mechanical, chemical, electrical, and mining engineers,   •   Quality  Control:  Establishing  strict  quality  control
 is adept at managing diverse projects while prioritizing   measures to ensure that construction projects meet
 customer needs and solutions.  required standards and specifications established by
 To eliminate non-value adding steps, we have a dedicated   ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001:2015
 team  for  waste  management  and  quality  checklists   •   Technology   Integration:   Using   alternative
 for  our  concrete  yards.  By  leveraging  new  technology   construction materials and methods, IT technologies
 and our Research & Development lab, we consistently   to  enhance project planning, monitoring, and
 reduce  defects.  Our  communication  and  collaboration   execution.
 are enhanced through weekly meetings involving myself,   •   Supply Chain Optimization: Improving coordination
 the General Manager  (GM),  Deputy General Manager   with suppliers and subcontractors to reduce delays
 (DGM), and a special team of four young engineers from   and ensure timely delivery of materials.
 the customer handling unit. We regularly visit all project
 sites to stay informed and competitive with the private   •   Energy  Efficiency:  Implementing  sustainable
 sector.  building practices and energy efficient technologies
 Our team,  including  engineers,  mechanics, and  civil   to  reduce  environmental  impact  and  operational
 laborers,  benefits  from  effective  communication   costs.
 methods  designed to  resolve issues  and  encourage   The  success  of  above  initiatives  are  measured  by
 productivity.  Recently,  we  introduced  an  incentive   following methods,
 payment  system  and  an  overtime  (OT)  work  schedule
 on Saturdays, which has been well-received by the staff.    Establish KPIs:  Define key performance indicators (KPIs)
 The management team  works closely with the minor   to measure the success of improvement initiatives.
 staff, fostering a cooperative environment.
  Regular Reporting:  Develop a reporting system to track
 We are adaptable to industry needs, utilizing data and   progress and share results with stakeholders.
 information  to  drive  changes.  Specifically,  in  concrete    Conduct Benchmarking:  Compare performance against
 works,  the  current  practice  in  Sri  Lanka  involves   industry standards and best practices to identify areas
 manufacturing 70%  of the materials on-site. We  aim   for improvement.
 to reverse  this  by  producing  70%  in our factory  and
 completing the remaining 30% on-site. This approach is
 particularly beneficial for projects involving small houses,
 bridges, anicut box culverts, and other similar structures.
 For instance, we recently completed a drainage system
 and  carpeting  for  KDU  Ratmalana’s  law  faculty  within   “ “
 two  days,  demonstrating  our  readiness  and  efficiency.   Establishing
 Our factories handle the majority of the work, with only   STRICT QUALITY CONTROL MEASURES
 the installation part conducted on-site. This shift aligns   to ensure that construction projects
 with  Lean  Six  Sigma  principles,  minimizing  material
 wastage and enhancing operational efficiency.  meet required standards
 and specifications established
 by ISO 9001:2015,
      ISO 45001:2018
 & ISO 14001:2015
 “ “

                                                                    Department of Industrial Quality Management
 Department of Industrial Quality Management
 46  Department of Industrial Quality Management                    Department of Industrial Quality Management   47
 General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University                           General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
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