Page 22 - QUALITY MAGAZINE_Volume 02 (Issue II)_Web Ready File (1)
P. 22


                   If there are issues, how do you suggest          Are  there  any  specific  suggestions  to
             Q4Q4  to improve the present systems in          Q6Q6  add to the work you are involved in to
                   Sri Lanka?                                       make your work more effective to the
            As  I  have  said,  one  of  the  biggest  problems  we  have   general public?
            with our legal system is the long time it takes to hear   We  know that many  people are  calling  for a system
            cases.  One of  the ways this  issue can  be resolved is   change.  I  do  agree  that  a  system  change  is  necessary
            by  appointing  more  judges,  which  would  reduce  the   for  Sri  Lankan  society  to  really  improve  quality  and
            backlog  of  cases and  allow cases to be heard  more   productivity  by  addressing  deep-rooted  issues.  By
            quickly. Having specialized courts for cases in family law,   doing this, we can create an environment that fosters
            commercial disputes etc.  can also reduce the burden on   sustainable development and innovation. We must have
            general courts.                                  a stable economic system that guards against economic
                                                             fluctuations, high inflation, and debt crises. I believe that
            Technology can be used to make court procedures more   educational reform is important as we need to align our
            efficient and reduce delays. Digital solutions can reduce   educational system with industry needs. There should
            paperwork and streamline procedures. Virtual hearing   be an increased focus on STEM education and vocational
            can be used to reduce the physical presence in court and   training.  We  also  need  improved infrastructure
            make the process more efficient and convenient. Data   development and less bureaucracy and red tape.
            analytics  are  useful  for  identifying  bottlenecks  in  the
            legal system and speed up the process. In addition, we   By implementing comprehensive reforms in these areas
            can have e-filing systems and online legal resources to   as well as governance and  the regulatory  framework,
            improve efficiency and enhance productivity.     Sri  Lanka  can  improve  the  quality  and  productivity  of
                                                             its society, leading to a more prosperous and resilient
            I would  also  recommend  increasing  public  awareness.   future.
            This  can be achieved through community  outreach
            programs that can identify legal issues in communities
            and provide the required assistance. The public can also   According to  your  own  judgement,
            be educated about their legal rights and the availability   Q7Q7  how do you see the productivity and
            of legal remedies.                                      quality of Sri Lankan people?
            One  of  the  biggest  hindrances  to  productivity  is  our   I think the attitude of the Sri Lankan people needs to
            complex regulatory and administrative processes, so they   change  to  some  extent  in  order  for  our  productivity
            must be streamlined. Regulations should be revised and   and quality to improve. For example, we can see many
            simplified so that they do not affect business operations.    people rushing to their offices in the morning. But this
            This will also improve compliance and reduce costs. We   is only to place their fingerprint on time as, once that is
            also  need  to  have  strong  anti-corruption  policies  to   done, some of them do very little work. Of course, there
            promote accountability and build public trust.
                                                             are many people who do work hard. But I think there
                                                             can be more emphasis on efficiency, discipline and hard
                                                             work. If we can inculcate these values in more of our
                   How do you  contribute personally         workers, we will be able to greatly improve our results
             Q5Q5  for  the  enhancement  of  Quality  and   and become more competitive with international labour
                   Productivity in Sri Lanka?                forces.
            As  a  lawyer,  I  have  contributed  to  the  enhancement
            of  quality  and  productivity  in  Sri  Lanka  by  advocating
            for better laws and policy reform that would promote   TECHNOLOGY   can be used to make
            business efficiency while protecting consumer rights. I   court procedures more efficient and
            have also sought to promote corporate good governance          reduce delays.
            and adherence  to high  ethical standards by  advising
            companies on best practices.                     Digital solutions can reduce
            As  the  President-Elect  of  the  Organization  of   paperwork AND streamline procedures.
            Professional  Associations  of  Sri  Lanka  (OPA),  I  have
            engaged with policymakers to advocate for policies that       Virtual hearing  can be used to
            improve  professional  standards,  and  productivity.  By
            organizing  workshops and  seminars on  diverse topics   reduce the physical presence in court
            such  as  financial  literacy,  legal  rights,  healthcare,  and
            technology,  I  have  encouraged  the  development  of   &  make the process
            knowledge  among members and  the general public.
            I  have  also  sought  to  foster  collaboration  between   more  efficient and
            different  professional  associations  to  tackle  common   convenient.
            challenges and create interdisciplinary solutions.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Department of Industrial Quality Management
            Department of Industrial Quality Management
     20     Department of Industrial Quality Management                                                                                                                                    Department of Industrial Quality Management   21
            General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University                                                                                                                                       General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
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