Our Mission

To produce a competent, versatile and professional Quantity Surveyor who is capable to correspond national, international, academic and professional standards

Graduate Profile

The graduate profile sets out in detail with the following content to become a Graduated Quantity Surveyor with the Qualification of Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Quantity Surveying degree certificate from the Southern Campus, of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU).


  • Construction Procurement Management
  • Construction Technology including Environment and Sustainability
  • Construction Economics
  • Business Management and Financial Management
  • Construction Contract Law
  • Information and Communication Technology together with sophisticated QS related soft wares
  • Quality achievement by Health, Safety and Integrated Quality Management Systems
  • Contract administration


  • Excellent Communication, interpretation and negotiation skills
  • Strong numerical and IT skills
  • Team working and leadership skills
  • Analytical and decision marking skills
  • Time management, organizing and prioritizing work
  • Dispute handing


  • Delivery
  • Integrity
  • Team Work
  • Responsibility
  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Innovation
  • Life Long Learning (LLL)

A Graduate Quantity Surveyor could perform general Quantity Surveying Services in terms of plethora of practices (i.e. QS Consultancy Services, Contracting Services, Commercial Development, Government Department etc.) in any sector (i.e. Residential, Hotel, Retail, Aviation, Education, Leisure and Entertainment, Health, Oil and Gas etc.) in any geographical region.
The BSc Honors in Quantity Surveying Degree programme offered by KDU has already been recognized by the nstitute of Quantity Surveyors Sri Lanka since year 2015, while the Department is in the process of obtaining “Accreditation of Undergraduate study programmes leading to Quantity Surveying Degree in due course.

With the experience in general Quantity surveying work, the graduates will have the opportunity to advance their career into various areas of specializations like,

  • Commercial Management
  • Contracts Management
  • Claims Management and Dispute Resolution
  • Executive Cost Management
  • Quantity Surveying academics
  • Entrepreneurs to own Quantity Surveying Practice
  • Project Management