Page 35 - QUALITY MAGAZINE_Volume 02 (Issue II)_Web Ready File (1)
P. 35
17 What actions can be taken to
enhance real estate literacy?
There are several steps we can take across different
segments to enhance real estate literacy:
1. School and University Curricula
Incorporating Real Estate Topics: High schools
can introduce basic real estate concepts, such
as understanding mortgages and property taxes.
Universities can offer specialized courses and
degrees in real estate or include it as an elective or
common module.
2. Educational Programs and Workshops
Community and Government Initiatives: Local
governments and community organizations can
offer workshops on topics such as home buying,
property management, and investment strategies.
Public education campaigns can raise awareness
about real estate literacy and provide resources.
3. Online Resources and E-Learning Platforms
Access to Digital Learning: Platforms like Coursera,
Udemy, and Khan Academy offer online courses
on real estate fundamentals and market analysis.
Educational websites can provide articles, tutorials,
and interactive tools for self-paced learning.
4. Professional Training and Certification
Enhancing Professional Expertise: Real estate
licensure programs can prepare aspiring professionals
for state and national exams. Continuing education
courses help existing professionals stay updated on
market trends and legal changes.
5. Public-Private Partnerships
Collaborative Efforts: Financial institutions can
partner with educational organizations to provide 18 To wrap up our discussion,
workshops on real estate financing and investment. what is the core message you
Real estate firms can develop CSR initiatives focusing want to convey about real
on real estate literacy, especially in underserved estate literacy?
The core message is that real estate literacy is crucial
6. Use of Technology and Social Media for making informed decisions and minimizing risks
Leveraging Modern Tools: Mobile apps can provide in real estate transactions. Whether at the individual,
real estate information and investment calculators. corporate, country, or global level, a solid understanding
Social media campaigns can share educational of real estate principles, market dynamics, and legal
content, host live Q&A sessions, and engage with a aspects can significantly impact financial stability and
broader audience. success. Real estate literacy empowers individuals to
secure their personal wealth, enables corporations
By implementing these strategies, real estate to manage assets strategically, aids governments in
literacy can be significantly enhanced, empowering effective policy-making, and facilitates global economic
individuals, corporations, and communities to make integration and sustainability. Enhancing real estate
informed decisions, contributing to economic stability literacy through education, professional training,
and sustainable development. and public awareness can lead to more informed
communities, stronger economies, building quality
wealth and a more sustainable future.
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General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University